Musings of a Menopausal Melon...mmmquilts
Education. Inspiration.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Heart Centre Project Quilting 16.5
Quilt designs come to me sometimes by doodling on graph paper, at other times by playing in EQ8, or, as with this one, fully formed into my head.
It was Tuesday, our last night in Cuba. I was well into my third book of the week, a gripping biological warfare murder mystery, The Chosen Dead by M. R. Hall. Quite chillingly, may I say, exploring the world of pandemics and modifying DNA and creating smart vaccines...published in 2013! Anyhow, I’d stayed up a bit later than usual, voraciously gobbling up the story, and, although I still had a hundred pages or so left, finally, reluctantly, turned out the light. And… my mind would not wind down. I’m the type of person who, once the light goes out and my head hits the pillow, is off to sleep within less than a minute. Not so that night. It was sometime after midnight before I finally drifted off. One of the things I was doing in an attempt to slow my mind down was figuring out what I would make for the ‘Follow Your Arrow’ challenge. Well that worked out fine as you can see!
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Gratitude and Glimmers #92
Welcome to my post for the month of all things I like and for which I am grateful. You can find links to more posts like this one at LeeAnna's blog, Not Afraid of Color. Glimmers are the little things that give me a frisson if you will, of joy or happiness or excitement or all three.
We had weird weather all through February: a lot of cold days in a row, a lot of grey, and a couple of times back-to-back days of rain one day followed by snow the next. This caused some beautiful ice-encased trees. Thank goodness it wasn’t too thick like a few years ago where many trees came down. This time the odd small branch fell, nothing major.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
SAHRR Round 6
I have my SAHRR Project #1 round to show you today. This prompt came from Emily at The Darling Dogwood. We were to incorporate the kite block into this round. She gave two great ideas for using it as a smaller commenting a 12” block which helps for my Project #2. I had a harder time on this traditional round robin as to how to work it in. I ended up not only working in the four parts of the book into the corners, but also four more complete blocks!Oh how I am in love with this quilt and I sure didn’t think I would be!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
SAHRR Round 5
This week the prompt came from Brenda at Songbird Designs. She asked us to make quarter or half log cabins. For project number one, this really stomped me, but I am so grateful for the other hosts as well as other participants who share inspiration. Here is where this first quilt sits in its fifth round.I’m not sure what’s going to go between the floral squares so I’ve left it so that I can either incorporate week six prompt there or extend somehow the week five into week six prompt.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
More Blues
Since I got my Project Quilting runner, Diamond Girl, done in just two days, I did a little fun, mindless sewing. One of my goals this year is to make a placemat each month in the colour for the RSC. I got a dark blue one done a couple of weeks ago and so this week I decided to make a light blue one in my ongoing efforts to reduce the strips.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Project Quilting 16.4 Diamond Girl
Well? Did that title do to you what it does to me every single time? Give you an earworm? Seals and Crofts’ song from 1973? I may be dating myself but I’m okay with that. That year was a special birthday for me: I became a teenager. So this current year holds another special birthday, gulp. I'll let you do the math!
Here is my finished table runner for the fourth challenge of project quilting, which I’ve named Diamond Girl.
The challenge this time was to make a project where the dominant colour is the colour of your birthstone. I am born in April, so my birthstone is a diamond, which is colourless! That caught me for a hot minute. Well, I’m sure many of you, like me, think of white when you think of diamonds, and silver, gold and sparkle, which is why I made a predominantly white runner with silver sparkle in the background fabric.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Jasper Quilt Finish
I have another finish which makes two in a week! I figured I’d be able to get the Jasper quilt quilted between Project Quilting challenges, and SAHRR prompts and I’m so happy that I did. If only the weather had cooperated for better photos, but oh well, I can always add in one or two when the sun decides to shine on us again.
As you may recall, this quilt is going to my cousin Val, who lives in Jasper. As you may also recall, the town of Jasper was evacuated last summer due to a raging wildfire that roared through the town, destroying one third of the homes, various buildings and businesses over the course of its rampage. Val’s home was one that was burned to the ground.
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